An Appeal (July 2020)
According to Oxfam ‘By the end of the year, 12,000 people per day are at risk of dying from COVID-19 linked hunger – potentially more than the disease itself.’
Which shows how vital it is to build up the capacity of the poor to grow their own food.
Inga alley cropping is designed to prevent hunger, even during such crises when food distribution systems may break down. It enables the poorest farmers to feed themselves and their families, bringing the food right to where it is needed, while stopping the need to burn more rainforest to get fertile soil. And once the Inga plot is established it keeps on producing year after year without the need for the addition of chemicals.
Tall maize grown on previously degraded land in an Inga alley, Meangwe 2 village. Photo Linus Arong.

Close up of maize from Inga alley, Meangwe 2 village. Photo Linus Arong.
We have told you about the good work our overseas partners are doing. They work hard for very little money, but they cannot work without some money, and we are running very low – running out in fact for some of our excellent projects. Some of you have already made donations and we are very grateful for that. And some of you will not be able to afford any. But if you can, we would be very grateful for anything that you can give, be it a lot or only a very little. It all adds up. Thank you very much for your consideration.
You can donate by PayPal on our website
You don’t need a PayPal account, just a credit card.
Or you can send a cheque made out to the Rainforest Saver Foundation to
The Rainforest Saver Foundation
33 Pentland View
EH10 6PY
Thank you very much.
Other ways that you can support us without it costing you a penny.
Easyfundraising and Give as You Live
These are both ways to get online shops to donate to your favourite charity, which of course is us, whenever you shop in them without any extra cost to you.
We registered RFS with Easyfundraising a few years ago and have collected £759 through them to date. Help us to double that
Easyfundraising is accessible via the link on our home page
1. Go to
2. Scroll down to bottom left of the Home page (links are on other pages too)
3. Under Easy Fund Raising click on ‘Click this link’ – and you’re there.
4. You will see us on the right. Click on ‘Support this cause’ under our name and logo
5. You will then be asked to either log in if you are already registered, or create an easy to set up free account
6. You then select the shop you want to shop at from the many online shops that are listed on their website, and the shop makes the donation to us without charging you anything extra. Thank you very much.
Give as You Live.
This is similar to Easyfundraising. We have only recently registered with them, so no takings to report yet.
Go to the Give as You Live website
and sign up for free and create your free account.
Select Rainforest Saver as the charity you want to support. Then access the shops from the Give As You Live website browse retailers like Marks & Spencer, Body Shop, John Lewis etc before clicking the “shop and raise” button and shopping as normal. Once the retailer informs Give As You Live of the purchase, Give As You Live then emails you direct as a supporter advising you of how much you have raised.
The donations per individual shop may be small, but if we all do this it soon adds up. We need every penny you can raise for us. Thank you very much.